Kanye West tweeted That He was About to Divorce Kim Kardashian.


Kanye West tweeted That He was About to Divorce Kim Kardashian.

Rapper Kanye West said on Twitter that he was about to divorce his wife, reality TV star Kim Kardashian, and was deleted a few minutes later.

On Wednesday Wednesday, Mr. Kim met Meg at Waldorf and tried to divorce him to reform the prison.

Kardashian’s representative did not immediately respond to email search comments.

Late Monday, West posted a series of tweets, which were later deleted. His wife claimed that he was locked up in a medical facility and tried to compare himself to Nelson Mandela.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

I came the next day West started a US presidential campaign with a rally in South Carolina Charleston.ㅏ.

At that time, He referred to his wife’s decision not to stop getting pregnant with tears.

At that time, “the representative of Kardashian also did not respond to requests for comment on the remarks”

Former President Donald Trump’s former supporter, West (43), was confused as to whether voters were authentic or a promotional stunt to help them sell their albums or merchandise.


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