How to Turn your Daily Career into Your Dream Career


How to Turn your Daily Career into Your Dream Career

All jobs have advantages and disadvantages, so we all go through days when we wake up excited about work, and in return, there are days when we can hardly get themselves to wear work clothes, and in such cases, the idea of ​​change and finding work that I’ve always felt passion for seems to be a tempting idea.

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But before you review the options open to you in other companies, you can take an easier way to find happiness in your business, which is: forming your profession, which is the idea that you can “shape” or remake your profession to match your motivations, strengths, and passions, and benefit as much as possible from Your current position.

What is the formation of the profession?

Profession formation was first disclosed in 2001 by a Yale School of Management study by Professor Amy Wrzesniewski and her colleagues, focusing on the experiences of individuals in the cleaning staff of a university hospital. Of the 28 employees, some did their work mainly for money only and did not find the work satisfactory for themselves, while others said that their work means a lot to them, and added during their description of their daily tasks that they were not assigned or included in their job description, such as spending time with patients Or take visitors to their cars while they leave.

The researchers noticed a big difference between the views of these two groups of workers towards their profession, as both did what was asked of them, but the second group found a way to impart something new and exciting to their work, a concept that was termed “profession formation”, and in later studies, Professor Wrzesniewski and her team found that The employees who adopted this concept were happier and better-performing than their unsuccessful colleagues.

How to start forming your profession

Instead, wait for your manager to give you a project that requires you to do so, and once you start, here are the three areas that you should focus on:


Begin by making adjustments to the type of responsibilities that you have, such as reducing the time you spend on less important tasks and replacing them with more important ones, and beware of making the former overwhelm the essence of your work, so brainstorm the available options mentally and choose from them that achieve you achieving goals and fun, or leave additional tasks Until your escape is essential.

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Do not let your simple professional title restrict you, think about what you like to do or want to learn to do better, and develop these skills if you want to develop your writing, ask your company to allow you to write on her blog, or provide her with some animation if you want to develop your skill in moving Pictures, this not only shows them your initiative but also gives you practical experience in the work you love.


How can you change the nature of your relationships with your colleagues?

If you are in a high position, you can supervise the beginners or the trainees, if you do not understand what another department of the company is working on, then it is okay to invite someone to a cup of coffee to learn from them what they are doing there.

Delving into your company details may show you the larger picture of goals, missions, and individual projects.


If you can’t change your missions or relationships, you can always develop yourself mentally, it may be easy to get upset about not doing your work, but reshaping your knowledge and thinking about the long-term results can give you a positive feeling, for example, if you hate the administrative side of your profession, Think about how you can use a point in it, such as focusing on details, to benefit you in performing this role and in your profession in general. It will help you find the great purpose behind your tasks to understand the value of your role and realize your potential right to awareness.

Three tips to facilitate the formation of the profession easier

Depending on the culture of both managers and staff, some will find it relatively easy to take new projects out of their familiar range, while others will face fear or discouragement.

If you encounter this, here are three tips to help you succeed:

Focus on being helpful

Try to find points where your strength lies so that working on it is fun and at the same time beneficial and valuable to your manager and team.

You can do this by communicating with colleagues in other departments to come up with joint ventures, or a session with your colleague to find new ways to strengthen your ties, contacts, missions, and even more.

Build trust with others

Make sure to build trustworthy and transparent relationships with your manager before you ask him to assign you new business.

Think about it: if your manager knows you are good at your job and performing on time, he will trust you to take on more, but if you are a new employee and immediately request some change in your field, this may be misunderstood as dissatisfaction with the job, and instability in the future.

Find the right support

In the process of shaping your career, focus on the people most likely to support you.

For example, if you always work with a specific product manager, it will be more open to hearing your opinions, or if both you and your colleague have a skill that the other would like to learn, invest your time in training each other over them rather than approaching a high-ranking person you do not know.

Revive your business

Your job is not a fossilized list of duties, but in perpetual motion, just like you, and you have to adapt it to your experience and your personal and professional development, but new opportunities for this will not go down to your own stone, not even the best managers will determine for you what meaningful work should mean for you.

Fortunately, by shaping your profession you can try and learn new skills without reeling between jobs, you can always adjust your work to introduce energy, challenge, and skill to it, which ultimately leads to your control in your profession and the formation of the job you want, rather than leaving the jobs shaping you.


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