Do Farmers Filter Water?


Water is an essential resource for every living creature on earth. But farmers are probably the most dependent on water supply and its quality. They require large amounts of water for irrigation as well as for keeping and taking care of farm animals. In many parts of the world where agriculture is the leading industry, supplying sufficient clean water is a problematic matter. That’s why implementing proper water treatment systems is essential for the success and development of the agricultural industry. 

In this article, we’ll cover various topics regarding water filtration for farmers and see what are the best water filters that can help benefit the sector.  

The Role Of Water Filtration In Agriculture

Water plays an essential role in cultivating plants and maintaining livestock. Many rural communities face dire water situations because of pollution, contamination, and shortage.

Not having enough quality water directly affects farmers’ income – the crops don’t grow at their maximum capacity or are not robust towards various plant diseases such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, infectious agents, and parasites. 

Another common water problem that can stand in the way of fruitful harvest is pH balance in the water. If it’s either too alkaline or too acidic, your plants won’t get sufficient nutrients, soil structure can get damaged, and increase the chances of growing harmful bacteria. 

These factors make it essential for the farmers to have an access to water filtration solution that allows them to utilize the limited and flawed water resources they have access to. 

The Importance of Finding the Correct Water Filtration System for Your Farm

The main thing that farmers need to consider before purchasing a water treatment system is the problem they are looking to treat. It is safe to say that not every water filtration system is created equal – some are made to target a certain issue, for instance, chemical contamination, and some solutions work for numerous common water problems at once. 

So the first step in finding an appropriate water treatment solution is identifying the problem. The best way of doing so is to take a water sample to a local lab and test it for a variety of factors. 

The most widespread water issues that you may expect include the following:

  • Alkalinity; 
  • Acidity; 
  • Sodium and chloride content; 
  • Hardness (calcium and magnesium);
  • Electrical conductivity (EC);
  • Ions such as iron and boron. 

In the next section, we’ll tell you about a couple of water treatment solutions that can be applied to different problems. 

How Can We Treat Agricultural Water?

Reverse Osmosis Filters

Reverse osmosis filters are one of the most common and reliable water filter solutions for farmers. They are most effective for removing contamination from water. The system process works by using pressure that separates water molecules from contaminants and flushes the unwanted particles away. RO removes approximately 99% of contaminants including chlorine, salts, lead, and more. 

However, reverse osmosis systems have certain drawbacks that may be a dealbreaker for some farmers. These treatment units use three times as much water in the process as they treat, which resultantly increases the costs for irrigation. What’s more, if you’re dealing with a limited water supply, reverse osmosis may not be a suitable option for you. 

Water Distillation System

Water distillation is another alternative for filtering agricultural water. During the treatment process, water is boiled until it turns into steam. As a result, salts and contaminants are separated from water molecules. After that, steam is collected and cooled down to bring it back to its liquid form. 

A proper distiller can remove up to 95% of the minerals and metals and eliminate bacteria and viruses. But when it comes to agricultural use, if you need to purify large quantities of water, distillation may not be the optimal choice. Distillers are characterized by a slow treatment rate and also, the more water you treat, the cost of operation raises drastically. 

Vortex Treatment

Vortex treatment is an evolutionary water treatment solution that uses a drastically different approach compared to other filters. This solution has been created with water’s natural needs in mind. Let us explain what we mean by that:

It has been studied and proven through extensive research that water is a unique substance. Its molecules tend to rearrange in a different manner depending on the outside influences. When water is taken out of its natural habitat, pressured, pumped, and forced through pipes, its inner molecular structure, which secures its properties such as self-cleaning, pH balance, and hydration is disturbed.

Vortex treatment mimics water’s natural flow-form, putting it through powerful vortexing motion, and restoring its micro-clustered molecular arrangement. Resultantly, water becomes robust against many bacteria and viruses, provides optimal hydration of soil, and restores natural pH levels. 

Let’s elaborate more on how vortex treatment can benefit farmers. 

The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ for Farmers

The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ is an amazing example of a vortex treatment solution. It has gone through rigorous testing that has proven its effectiveness in treating water problems and maximizing its benefits for multiple applications, including in agriculture. 

Optimal Hydration 

The water that goes through The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ becomes easier to absorb because of its micro-clustered molecular structure. Resultantly, when used for irrigation, revitalized water hydrates soil optimally and plants are able to absorb it much better as well. 

Reduced or Eliminated Bacteria & Viruses

Through revitalization, water’s natural self-cleaning properties are restored. Because of this, water becomes more robust against bacteria and viruses, which allows farmers to rely on The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ when faced with contamination. 

Restored Natural pH Levels 

The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ effectively restores water’s natural pH, whether it is initially too alkaline or too acidic. The research has shown that after revitalization, water’s pH balance falls between 6.8-7.2, which is the same as for the water in mountain streams and creeks. Proper pH balance allows plants to strive at their maximum capacity and reduces the need for adding fertilizers. 

Increased Cost-effectiveness

Another great takeaway that farmers can get from The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ is its budget-friendliness. As the revitalized water hydrates soil more effectively, the amounts of water needed for irrigation decrease by 20%-50% over time. This is a game-changing benefit for rural areas that deal with water shortages such as droughts and water restrictions.


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